What To Expect When You Need To Get a Root Canal

Most people dread getting a root canal. Before modern advances in dentistry, this treatment had a bad reputation. But now, a root canal procedure is painless and straightforward. If your dentist or endodontist has advised you to get a root canal, this should not worry you. The root canal treatment is recommended to save or repair a severely infected or decayed tooth.


Here you will find all you need to know about the root canal treatment and what to expect during the procedure. Familiarizing yourself with the procedure will help to keep your anxiety in check.


Root Canal Procedure Explained


There are several steps involved in a root canal. The process may require one or two visits to your dentist’s office. Before the procedure, your dentist or endodontist will take an X-ray to figure out the extent of damage to your tooth. Next, local anesthesia will be administered to numb the entire area of the tooth being treated.


A small drill is used to make a hole in the affected tooth and then special equipment will be used to clean the insides of the tooth. During the cleaning process, all the infected and damaged tissues are removed. After cleaning, a dentist will place medication inside the tooth to ensure no bacteria remain. Your dentist will determine whether he needs to seal the tooth immediately after the procedure or after a few days to allow healing. However, a temporary sealant is applied to protect the tooth.


How Long the Root Canal Procedure Takes


How long the procedure takes depends on the extent of damage you have on your tooth or teeth. Approximately, a simple root canal procedure takes roughly around 45 to 60 minutes. If a tooth has multiple pulp canals, the procedure will take longer. Also, preparation and setting up for the procedure takes several minutes after anesthesia has been administered.


Is a Root Canal Painful?


The thought of getting your tooth drilled can make you anxious about the procedure. The truth is you may experience some discomfort but you will not experience any pain during the procedure. A professional dentist will administer the right dosage of anesthesia before starting the procedure.


In case you feel pain, ask your dentist to administer more anesthesia. People’s pain tolerance varies widely. After the procedure, you will experience some mild pain. The pain can last for several days. However, you will be given some pain medication after the treatment.


Oral Care After a Root Canal


Your dentist will fill your tooth temporarily before placing a crown on the tooth. During this period, you need to eat softer foods to prevent damaging the treated tooth. After every meal, gurgle some salty lukewarm water to remove particles between your teeth. You also need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and cut down on sugary foods.


If you are afraid that a root canal procedure may be painful, the pain you are experiencing now is much worse. Don’t let the situation get worse. Seek treatment immediately.


To learn more about root canals, contact Robert Larison, D.D.S. in Springfield, Illinois at 217-203-8422 to book an appointment today.

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